Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hygiene and Potty Training

Potty training can be a frustrating experience for many parents. The lucky ones find their child’s transition from nappy to toilet fairly swift, whilst others endure a prolonged period of hit-and-miss experiences. Accepting that every child is different, when it comes to being ready for toilet training, will help parents deal with those anxious moments when they naturally arise.

Infant Potty Training

Choosing to allow your infant to go nappy-free is not a decision to be taken lightly. Unless you are able to be on hand to whisk your child to the potty or toilet in an instant it can develop into a stressful time. Being alert to signals that your infant is about to need the potty will become your main priority, which is mostly why parents generally wait until their infant is more able to communicate their needs before they embark on a potty training schedule. Teaching your child, no matter how young, the importance of washing hands after using the potty or toilet should be something you do automatically. Whilst you go through the experience of failed attempts maintaining good hygiene standards is essential.

Potty Training – What to Buy

Once you feel your child is ready for potty training there will be many considerations. Do you skip the potty and go straight to the toilet? Or do you progress gradually? Most young children will learn toilet habits by experiencing sitting on the potty and graduate to the toilet once they have mastered keeping clean.
To begin potty training, and maintain good hygiene standards, you should consider buying the following:
  • Pull-up Nappies or Cloth Training Pants
  • A Potty Chair
  • A Travel Potty Ring
  • A Potty Ring to be used on a full size Toilet
  • A Step Stool
  • A Waterproof Mattress Cover
  • Underwear
Incentives like stickers or toys are also a good idea as these can be used as rewards. These can also be awarded when your child demonstrates a good understanding of hygiene by washing their hands thoroughly after using the potty or toilet.

Cloth Training Pants

Some children make a quick transition from nappies to underwear. It is very common though to gradually phase out diapers during the day and to rely on pull-up training pants for night-time use. These pull-up training pants are available in many styles, sizes and varieties – from disposable to washable cloth pants. Although not waterproof cloth training pants are absorbent enough to prevent accidents. The fact that they are not waterproof will mean that your child will feel wetness and will be able to distinguish between needing to go to the toilet and staying dry. The environmentally-friendly cloth pants are washable and therefore re-useable.

Potty Hygiene

Encouraging your child to wipe the potty or toilet seat themselves will teach them the importance of hygiene. Germs can easily settle on toilet seats, after splashing from flushing, so teaching your child how to prevent the spread of germs is recommended. If your child has an accident before reaching the toilet or potty it is important to show them how to clean up and how to wash your hands afterwards. Hand washing reduces the spread of germs and is therefore something your child must do regularly. Teach your child to wash their hands using warm water and antibacterial soap. Taking the time to scrub under nails and in between fingers is also a good idea. Young children can be encouraged in this practice by reciting a rhyme, which will help them understand that hand washing takes a certain amount of time and should not be rushed.

Hygiene the eyes

Conjunctivitis is a very common infection of the eye. It is caused by inflammation of the membranes that cover the white of the eye otherwise known as the conjunctiva.
Almost all eye-infections can be prevented by frequent hand-washing, attention to correct cleaning techniques of contact lenses, individual towels and by not sharing make-up or application instruments.

Sign And Symptoms

There are four main types of conjunctivitis, all with the same characteristics and symptoms. These are, redness, bloodshot eyes, swelling, soreness, discharge (this may be so severe it can cause the eyelids to temporarily fuse together), itching and a feeling of grittiness. Each type of conjunctivitis may present with some or all of these symptoms.

Bathing Of the Eyes

Bathing the eyes means using warm, not hot, water and cotton or gauze pads. Each eye should be swabbed once from the inside corner to the outside edge, using each pad once then discarding. The same pad should never be used for both eyes. The use of cotton wool is not recommended as the tiny fibres can get into the eye and cause irritation and a place for germs to grow. Every individual should have their own flannel and towel, which should be washed regularly and never shared.

Neonatal Conjunctivitis

As the title suggests this occurs in newborns. It is usually caused from maternal gonorrhoea that is passed to the baby during delivery. It is a serious condition that needs immediate medical treatment to preserve vision. Treated with anti-biotics, both oral and eye drops given at very regular intervals until seeping of the eyes has ceased is the preferred method therapy.
Stringent hand-washing of all personnel involved with the care of the baby, including the family, is vital to prevent the spread of infection.

Bacterial Conjunctivitis

This is a very common form of infection and affects people of all ages. It is highly contagious and is spread easily through person to person contact. Eyes should be bathed regularly with warm water followed by application of eye-drops prescribed by the GP. Children should be kept at home until symptoms have subsided.


Trachoma is an infection of both the conjunctiva and the cornea (the pouch that covers and protects the pupil and iris at the front of the eye). It is very common in young children and is noticeable from having inflamed eyelids and inflammation of the white of the eye. If left untreated, as in many third world countries, the cornea can become permanently scarred and vision may be lost. Many singular infections heal by the practice of regular bathing, though recurrent infections warrant the use of eye drops, ointment or oral anti-biotics.

Viral Conjunctivitis

This normally begins in one eye, but will usually spread to both and sometimes occurs as a result of a fever or sore throat. Regular bathing and protection from bright light is usually all the treatment that is necessary. Conjunctivitis is a very common complaint, especially in children. Hand-washing and regular bathing coupled with the use of anti-biotics, if needed, should be enough to treat this condition. Always wash your hands prior to inserting eye-drops or ointment and repeat after giving the medication.
The eye-medications given for conjunctivitis are to be discarded immediately after treatment has finished, and no two sufferers should share a bottle or tube.