Sunday, August 22, 2010

Are you suffering from MUMPS?

If your are suffering MUMPS

You know MUMPS ? It is very dangerous infection ...............
we have solution it.....


This is know also by the name Acute Epidemkic Parotitis. This is an acute, febrile infection, disease characteriesed by inflammatory swelling of one both parotid glands situated behind the jaw, below and in front of the ear.
   The period of incubation is children, but sometimes in adults. It seldom attacks the same person twice. In males the and in females the breasts are occasionally affected.


The specific organism has yet been positively identified but the virus is a passer and is conveyed by the saliva.
  One side is fist attected and is sicceeded by the other in about 24 hours or a day or two later. Sometime the submaxillary and sublingual glands are also involved. Mumps is almost always bilateral (i.e., comes on both sides).
          It is almost entirely confined to children and young persons between the ages of five and twenty-five. It is rare in the very young and very old. It is often epidemic. A patient remains infectious as long as there is any definite awelling in the glands.
         Death from this disease is very rare. The patient is generally well in 10 or 12 days. It is a trivial disease. The disease is infectious 2 or 3 days before the swelling appears.


Pain is felt under one ear with stiffness or soreness of neck and jaw. This is usually accompanied by smart fever 101 F. to 103 F. or 104 F. The fever subsides on the third or fourth days. A swelling often of almost stony hardness is noticed on the cheek and under the ear. This lump is extremely painful. It lasts for 4 or 5 days and gradually disappears. The swelling extends all round the jaw in the form of a caller. it is severely contagious and sometimes runs through a whole family or school. Swallowing and mastication are very painful. The breath is foul and the tongue is very furied. Saliva may trickle out of the mouth. the glands seldom suppurate.


A  simple saline purge (mag sulph or sodium sulphate or citrate of magnesia) hot fomentations and an antiseptic wash for the mouth (Listerine or Glychothymoline or boric lotion) are all that is usually required. Flannel wring, one of hot poppy-head decoction is the best application. Fluid food may be given.
           patients should be kept in bed for ten days until the liability to orchitis or inflammation of the testicles is passed. They should be isolated for three weeks from the subsidence of the swelling.
         Treat complications as they arise.
Diaphrotetics are useful. Application of leeches is beneficial.

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