If you are suffering from "HYDROPHOBIA" (Rabies)
I have solution of this problem
You know "HYDROPHOBIA" ?
Definition of Hydrophobia
This is an acute specific infection usually transmitted of the bite, of a rabit animal. It is due to inoculation by the saliva of an animal suffering form rabies.
The rabit dog is the chief transmitter disease by its bite or by licking an abortion. The cat, wolf and fox may also transmit it. The Virus (Negri body) is in the saliva. The incubation period is about six weeks. It dose not follow that every one bitten by a mad dog must suffer form hydrophoboa.
There is slight irritation in the wound. There are feelings of uneasiness with irritability of temper. Sometimes there is twitching of the muscles of the face. There are stiffness of the neck and difficulty of breathing. There is suffocative spasm when the patient trick to drink water. The spasm extend to the muscles of the whole body.
Wounds on uncovered parts of the most dangerous. Wounds by which the poison was introduced rapidly heals and for a time nothing happens to attract the patient's attention to the scars. In about six to eight week or so, the scar may become painful and nervous disturbance appear.
The patient is sleepless thought the patient is very thirsty he is afraid to drink as any attempt at swallowing drinks on the spasm at once. Even the sound of running water will excite the attacks hence the name hydrophobia. There is generally fever. The patient dies of exhaustion in to 2 to 10 days after the development of the characteristics symptoms.
The wounds should be well washed. Caustic (Carbolic acid, silver nitrate ) should be applied to the wound. The patient should be once to the Pasteur Institute, Kasauli or any general hospital for antirabic form of treatment. Any person beaten by rabid animal can be saved if treatment within 7 days it is done after being beaten. The patient get 7 to 14 injection in the abdomen.
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